Friday, October 3, 2008

Awesome Site!!!

There is a great Hurricane website out there that I'm sure a few of you have already heard out...  If not it's called StormPulse...  It's very user friendly with great graphics and has a lot of great functions to play around with...  You can type in any year and all the tropical cyclones from that year will pop up in a very visual appealing way...  You can also type in a more recent storm like Hurricane Andrew to do a lot of other cool things...  If you type in "Andrew" you can click on each hurricane hunter recon report to see all the details...  It also gives you a detailed recap on the storm telling you the origin, interesting facts, monetary costs, strength, track, etc...  One other cool thing I like it the fact you can click on "storm archive" to see all hurricanes by category!  So if you click on Category-5 you will see all the Cat-5's in recorded history...  Not just the hurricanes that made landfall as a Cat-5 either...  Plus if you want you can break it up by decade and landfalling storms also...  Again it's a REALLY cool site that I recommend everyone to check out!!! 

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